The WHIST trial team finds the participation of every patient extremely valuable, likewise yours. Clinical trials in general help doctors understand what treatment is best to use in certain clinical conditions, which can benefit you or others like you, in the future. By joining the research, you are actively helping to drive up the standard of healthcare in the UK. For general information about the trials in NHS please read here.
We expect that over 20 hospitals across the country will be taking part in this study and we hope to recruit a minimum of 1540 patients.
Having surgery to repair the broken bone, makes you potentially eligible for inclusion in this study. The final decision about your eligibility will be made during surgery. In some circumstances, for instance if your wound cannot be closed at the end of the surgery, the surgeon might decide you will not be eligible after all. You will then be treated with the standard care treatment of your hospital.
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
A copy of your consent form and paperwork will also be held by the WHIST trial team at the University of Oxford. Only appropriate personnel will have access to your record and all information will be treated with the strictest security and confidentiality.
You can DOWNLOAD the Patient Information Sheet for further details and continue reading here.